Sunday, June 28, 2009

and then she said "neh".......

the days before and after YH/JH's wedding were perfectly clear, crisp, hot summer seoul days. on the actual day of their wedding? HI, IT'S MONSOON TIME. it poured, poured some more, then started drizzling to toy with everyone's wishes, only to pour down harder.

the kicker? the church they got married in rested atop a curvy hill, about half a mile further than any cars could get to.

the result? lots of drenched guests, plus many stolen umbrellas, including mine.

fortunately for the newlyweds, there's always been a saying in korea that if it rains or snows on your wedding day, you will live a long and prosperous life together. many congrats to both- see you in houston this fall!

i'm not sure why korean weddings require you to wear gloves, btw. perhaps you can notice the quintessential fobby "V" pose better in pictures??

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