ever since i was a little girl, i'd be the last man standing at the dinner table, picking at every morsel of the sweet and delectable meat, reveling when i got out a nice big chunk of the claws. crustaceans have always been one of my favorite food items to eat, but out of all hard-shelled friends under the sea, my absolute favorite is kkot-geh, translated 'flower crab' that's available in korea. its appearance resembles blue crabs that's found abundantly in the gulf coast, but the two cousins differs in taste like steak and eggs from denny's and a well-marbled piece of ribeye from pappa's bros.
fortunately for me, it is kkot-geh season here in korea. i could just die a happy gal right now.
have i mentioned that i am learned how to cook here? that's right, i'm going through housewife training. once i come back to the states, ya'll can come over and i'll make you all the korean food you can possibly want, including homemade kimchi! :) as some would say, my stocks just skyrocketed...
i'm telling you- you are going to be just like your mom. lets start a junior kimchi club!