Monday, June 1, 2009

new moon

the battle that's been fought in countries all over the world, continues on...




who will steal the hearts of tween fangirls, fangays and cougars this fall? will it be pale (but sparkling diamonds in sunlight, lest you forget), soft-spoken, broody edward cullen with his tousseled hair? or will jacob black, the dark horse.. err i mean, wolf, with his tanned and newly acquired muscules take the lead?

i can't decide whether i'm team edward or team jacob... they're both so HOT!

new moon in theaters 11/20/2009
you're damn right i'll be waiting in line at midnight. you know you will too!


  1. Too many posts like this and you will lose a reader... However, I'm glad you are staying tuned to the US Teen Bop scene.

  2. I want to punch jacob and his new muscles in the face. He's 17!! It's gross! I'll always love Edward and his floppy hair.

  3. omg, don't even think about it! Edward all the way. I love him even with his painted on abs!
